At the center of the first day’s fighting, Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center provides unparalleled opportunities for visitors, young and old, to deepen their understanding of the nation’s pivotal moment.
Cupola Tour
On June 30, 1863, Brigadier General John Buford climbed to the Cupola of the Lutheran Seminary Building, where he saw the campfires of thousands of Confederate soldiers burning to the west. Predicting a clash was imminent, this view helped him lay out his lines of defense to protect Gettysburg’s pivotal road network. The next morning, as the largest battle in the Western Hemisphere erupted, Buford again ascended to the Cupola to watch for vital Federal reinforcements. Today, you can stand where Buford stood and, with a guide, discover how this view helped chart the course of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Escape From Seminary Ridge
Experience our historically themed escape room, housed in the attic of historic Schmucker Hall (Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center).
As the fighting west of Gettysburg rages through the afternoon of July 1, 1863, Union General Oliver Otis Howard is relying on your small Signal Corps team in the attic of the Lutheran Seminary to predict the Confederates’ potential movements and points of attack.
The enemy is closing in; you only have an hour to gather what information you can before you must retreat or be taken prisoner.
Can you…Escape from Seminary Ridge?
Escape From Seminary Ridge is available by appointment. Contact us today to make a reservation!
Lee’s Headquarters
A short quarter-mile walk from Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center is a small stone home that served as Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Headquarters during the battle. On Fridays during the summer, Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center staff provide free tours of the house. Visit and learn more about the history of the property and General Lee’s movements during the three days of battle.
Free every Friday throughout the summer

Guided Tours
Throughout the summer, join us for special guided tours of exhibits and grounds at Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center. Learn about the heroic last stand of the Federal First Corps at the back door of the Seminary, care of wounded men in the Seminary Hospital, and the Black experience on freedom’s frontier.
Children and Family Guides
When touring the museum with younger visitors, be sure to take our free scavenger hunts and family guide. These activities are designed to help children and families look carefully at artifacts and images and get the most out of the museum’s exhibits. If you complete a scavenger hunt, be sure to stop at the admissions desk on your way out to get a free prize!