We are thrilled to once again be part of Main Street Gettysburg's A Gettysburg Christmas Festival! We'll be hosting several events, including a Santa Claus Scavenger Hunt! This includes FREE Museum Admission for *children ages 12 and under who participate*, each of whom receives an exclusive SRMEC Christmas sticker (pictured) and a worksheet. Search for historic drawings of Santa by 19th-century artist Thomas Nast that are hidden throughout the Museum--and those who find all 10 hidden Santas receive a special prize!
Saturday, December 7
9:00am - 4:00pm: Living History Reenactment of a Civil War Winter Encampment (outside SRMEC, FREE)
9:00am - 4:00pm: "Santa" Scavenger Hunt (inside SRMEC galleries, FREE for children 12 and under)
2:00pm - 3:00pm: "'A Sad Christmas to Many': How Civil War Soldiers and Families Experienced the Holiday Season" (presentation in Valentine Hall Auditorium, 61 Seminary Ridge, FREE)
Sunday, December 8
9:00am - 12:00pm: Living History Reenactment of a Civil War Winter Encampment (outside SRMEC, FREE)
9:00am - 12:00pm: Santa Scavenger Hunt (inside SRMEC galleries, FREE for children 12 and under)